The South Carolina Department of Agriculture appreciates our retail partners’ commitment to sourcing South Carolina grown and produced products when available.

Participating Retail Certified Associate members receive Certified SC Branded Materials free of charge to merchandise South Carolina products in grocery stores or other retail outlets. Boldly displaying and merchandising Certified South Carolina products in supermarkets and retail venues helps consumers easily identify and choose to buy Certified SC Grown.

For more information about the retail merchandising program, please contact Chris Whitmire at or 803-734-9705.

The Certified South Carolina program is a cooperative effort among producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) to brand and promote South Carolina grown and processed items. The Certified South Carolina Associate program is a licensing agreement for promotional use of the Certified SC Grown and Certified SC Product logos. Any business that promotes and sells Certified South Carolina members’ products may apply as an associate member.

Find Certified South Carolina products at the following participating Grocery Stores.

  • Food Lion
  • IGA
  • KJ’s Market
  • Sprouts Farmers Market
  • Lowcountry Fresh Market and Cafe
  • Piggly Wiggly
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Where to Buy Local!

With more than 22,600 farms that cover about 5 million acres, you don’t have to look or go far to find fresh, locally grown food.

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What's in Season

Thanks to our rich soil, warm weather and more than 360 growing days a year, there’s always something fresh. See what’s in season now.

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